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ABM Case Study: How to build an ABM strategy from zero to $4.5m+ in pipeline

ABM case study: Find out how BlueBotics started ABM from scratch and built a $4.5m/£4m+ pipeline and $1m/£750,000+ of closed-won revenue.

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Jack Rawlings

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Nov 21 2022 - 2min Read Date published: Date modified: 2022-11-23

Now this is what you call an ABM case study: How a technology brand started ABM from scratch and built a $4.5M+ (£4m+) pipeline (and...delivered $1m (£750,000) in closed-won revenue). 

This is the ABM case study and a very personal ABM story of BlueBotics, a global leader in autonomous navigation solutions.

Matt Wade, Head of Marketing for BlueBotics, presented this ABM case study at B2B Marketing's Global ABM Conference, alongside strategicabm's Jack Rawlings. 

Watch the video: How to build an ABM program from scratch



BlueBotics has spent twenty years refining their natural feature navigation technology (ANT) to make automated guided vehicles (AGVs) easier to install and operate.

Over this period, they have helped companies develop dozens of ANT driven AGVs, automated forklifts and mobile robots.

Before embarking on its Account-based Marketing strategy, BlueBotics had adopted a Sales-led approach as the primary driver for revenue growth.

When Matt joined as their first Marketing hire, he spotted the opportunity for ABM to be a growth catalyst and a partner to their already successful Sales team.

ABM case study results

Teaming up with strategicabm, BlueBotics has leveraged an ABM approach and built upon the success of their navigation technology.

In this ABM case study presentation, Matt and Jack detail the challenges BlueBotics faced with brand awareness, messaging and strengthening relationships.

Each of these challenges brought about their own lessons and shaped the ABM program into one that has delivered $4.5m/£4m+ pipeline and $1m/£750,000+ in closed-won sales (and still growing!).


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