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Strategic ABM’s Intent Programmes Recognised with Gold Tier Accreditation

Our exemplary use of the predictive analytics and intent tool, Nexus, across our ABM programmes, has been recognised and awarded Gold Tier Nexus accredited partner status.


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Declan Mulkeen

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Feb 25 2020 - 4min Read Date published: Date modified: 2020-12-23


Strategic ABM’s exemplary use of the predictive analytics and intent tool, Nexus, across our Account-based Marketing programmes has been recognised and awarded Gold Tier Nexus accredited partner status with market leading buyer intent data provider Cyance.


What is Nexus?

Nexus, monitors and stores signals across the web, ad networks and social media, building predictive layers from billions of behaviour signals taken from thousands of locations. This insight highlights organisations as they move through their buying journey and shines a light on those that are in an active buying mode and most likely to buy.

The Importance of Nexus Accreditation

Strategic IC and Cyance, with their intent data platform Nexus, have worked together for several years to deliver a truly remarkable new way to help enterprise and mid-market sales and marketing teams to drive revenue growth. The Agency incorporates Cyance’s predictive analytics and buyer intent tool, Nexus, as core martech in all our ABM programmes. 

The Nexus accreditation is not a mere kitemark or simple logo, it goes much further and accredits how Strategic IC’s use of intent data underpins every stage of our ABM programmes - from planning to account selection to account prioritisation to content creation and finally to campaign execution. 

As such, we are delighted to announce that we are among the first B2B ABM Marketing Agencies to become a Gold Tier Nexus accredited agency partner, and excited to continue to deliver exceptional campaigns to our clients.

"We are thrilled to be announced as the first ABM Agency to receive gold tier Nexus accreditation. Our relationship with Cyance has grown from strength to strength over the course of the last few years. Both companies have invested heavily in the relationship and this is reflected in this significant milestone for Strategic IC." - Alex Embling, CEO of Strategic IC

Related: How Acxiom Built a £1.5 Million Sales Pipeline in in 120 Days

Why Include Buyer Intent Data In ABM?

Out of every 100 accounts you target how many are really actively looking to buy, upgrade, change supplier, trial a new technology/ solution, etc.?

The answer is hardly any, a handful, less than 5%. If that is the case - it’s not difficult to calculate the sheer waste of time, energy and of course money that is spent targeting companies that are simply not in “buyer mode”.

In addition, the modern B2B buyer has changed beyond all recognition with the vendor allowed to “join the party” much later (too late?) in the buying process as the research, education, vendor selection, etc. have all been done online and prior to engaging with any vendors.

If you add to this the ill will, damage to your brand and the cost of wasted opportunities you can easily see why some B2B companies are looking for a new way of selecting the “right” accounts to target.

As B2B marketers increasingly struggle to reach and resonate with the right audiences in a sea of competitive noise, B2B intent data - data that identifies exactly when someone is in-market, or considering a particular solution - provides an accurate effective solution.

In short, B2B buyer intent data allows you to identify exactly if and when a B2B prospect is actively considering, or looking to purchase your product or solution, enabling informed, timely campaign decisions.

Incorporating a level of informed buyer intent intelligence into an ABM programme (as predictive analytics tools such as Nexus allow us to do), means our ABM campaigns instantly become more relevant and targeted. Put simply, intent-driven campaigns are able to pinpoint those active buyers, identify key priority areas for those active accounts, and so enable marketing teams to focus resources in the right places at the right times to drive accelerated pipeline and revenue growth.

“B2B intent data simply highlights when a web user is actively looking for, or intending to purchase a particular solution. By monitoring for certain key intent search terms, and through the use of cookies and other tracking tools, it’s now possible to pinpoint exactly when an account (someone from a target organisation) is actively considering your (or your competitor’s) solutions - even if they’re not on your website.”

Related: 4 Advantages of Using Buyer Intent Data in ABM

The ROI of an Intent-Driven ABM Campaign

As an example of the success that Strategic IC’s clients have achieved through leveraging intent data in their ABM programmes; marketing and data services leader Acxiom, created a £1.5m sales pipeline in only 120 days via a Strategic IC Intent-Driven ABM campaign.

Related: ABM in Action: Watch How Acxiom Created a £1.5m Pipeline in 120 Days

It is also worth noting that in recognition of this campaign’s substantial results and use of intent data, at the time of writing, the case has also been shortlisted for the upcoming B2B Marketing 2020 MarTech Awards, in the ‘Best Use of Martech in ABM’ awards category, for the use of intent technology. We’ll keep you posted if we win!